It’s really wonderful when Members of Congress use their voices to call out the amazing work of foster parents. Here’s what Rep. Erik Paulsen has to say:
Mr. Speaker, as May is National Foster Care Month, we need to remember that foster care families provide a vital service for the young people whom they take in. And the need is great. In Minnesota alone, more than 7,500 kids entered out-of-home placement, usually because of parental drug abuse and neglect. Foster parents are absolutely unsung heroes. They go to tremendous lengths in navigating a very arduous process so that they can provide a nurturing and a caring environment for a young person. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank foster families for their dedication, as well as the professionals and the workers who do go through the work of placing young people in loving families’ homes so that they can make a meaningful difference in their lives.
(You can click here to access the statement in the Congressional Record.)