Alaska Highlights

Landmark child welfare bill signed by Governor (June 2018)

Alaska Governor Bill Walker signed into law House Bill 151, “Children Deserve a Loving Home Act.” This landmark legislation will implement reforms to Alaska’s overburdened foster care system. The Governor was joined bill sponsor Representative Les Gara (D-Anchorage), who grew up in foster care, and dozens of current and former foster youth, including several youth preparing to attend the University of Alaska in the fall.

Facts & Data

2,649 Children 0-17 in foster care
20% Youth who are not with a family (in group/institution)
16 Average length of stay for children in FC (months)
807 Number of children at risk for aging out
35% Youth with 1 placement
24% Youth with 2 placements
13% Youth with 3 placements
28% Youth with 4 or more placements

Charts & Graphs

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On The Navajo Nation, Foster Care Families Are In Short Supply (Includes audio)

Summaries of the Family First Prevention Services Act by the Children's Defense Fund

Searchable database of state Child and Family Services Plans (HHS)

CliffsNotes on Family First Act by the Chronicle of Social Change

Brain Frames - Fact Sheets on Adolescent Brain Development

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See the Latest

CHAMPS is an exciting new policy campaign with dozens of partner organizations working together to highlight the vital importance of foster parents to the health and well-being of children in foster care. Check out what’s going on nationally and in the states.