CHAMPS, which stands for Children Need Amazing Parents, is a policy campaign focused nationally and in states to advance better outcomes for children by improving foster parenting policies. CHAMPS offers a policy playbook and related resources to help state and national leader shape solutions to foster parenting. CHAMPS also provides information and technical assistance to legislators and program leaders. Technical assistance includes:

  • Information sessions for policy and program leaders and/or their staff on issues important in your state.
  • Research and data, including summaries of research on foster parenting issues, state-specific data, and other research to inform decision making.
  • Relevant policy examples from other states (administrative or legislative) and peer-to-peer calls
  • Policy development tailored to your state.
  • Communications, including drafting public statements, talking points, testimony, op-eds or blog posts, and assistance with social media strategies and content.
  • Stakeholder engagement, including foster parents, youth and families, leaders from the faith community, health care professionals, and other direct service providers.
  • National experts to provide TA or attend and speak at public or private meetings.

See here for more information about CHAMPS technical assistance.


Sign the Pledge

Sign the pledge to show your support for today’s amazing foster parents and the importance of quality foster parenting.

Get Involved

We invite you to get involved in CHAMPS and be part of building bright futures for kids in foster care.