The CHAMPS campaign offers federal policymakers the following recommendations to drive better outcomes for children and youth. See here for a PDF of the campaign’s federal policy recommendations.

These recommendations align with the six policy goals featured in the CHAMPS playbook. They also draw on what’s known from:

  • lessons and insights from state and national partners
  • child development research
  • examples of promising approaches in the field
  • thorough review of state foster parent recruitment and retention policies,
  • analysis of disparate outcomes for children in foster care based on race and ethnicity, and
  • insights and experience of foster families, young people with lived experience in foster care and issue experts.

Recommendation #1

Increase the stability and quality of family-based care for all children in foster care and create a new norm of support for kin and non-kin foster families by requiring child welfare agencies to make a core set of supportive services available to all families caring for children in foster care. 

 Recommendation #2

Accelerate the goal of eliminating the inappropriate use of congregate care for children and youth through a targeted grant program to spur innovation in (1) preventing congregate care placements and (2) shifting youth from congregate care placements to well-supported family-based care.

Recommendation #3

Spur lasting improvements to foster parent recruitment, support and retention by revamping outdated federal policy on “Diligent Recruitment Plans.” Doing so will mobilize agencies to create and implement effective, data-driven approaches to engaging and partnering with kin and non-kin foster families and result in better outcomes for children and youth.    

 Recommendation #4

Have the Department of Health and Human Services produce an annual, national census to highlight data and trends on family-based care and congregate care to keep policymakers and the public informed about the capacity of the nation’s foster care safety net.

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Sign the pledge to show your support for today’s amazing foster parents and the importance of quality foster parenting.

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